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Andy Grammer in NY with Patrick Martin Put on a High Energy Show

Andy Grammer in NY with Patrick Martin put on a high-energy show at The Paramount. This amazing combo had the fans hooked right from the start.

Patrick Martin

Patrick Martin kicked off the show with a captivating set that started with his hit song “Dandelion Eyes”. This man has some incredible stage presence, moving around and using his whole body to convey the feeling of his songs. Patrick’s performance was musically great and visually interesting, making my job of capturing the essence of his music a breeze. I also had a chance to meet Patrick’s parents at his merch table in between sets and they were super kind and proud to be there supporting him on a tour like this.

Andy Grammer

I remember listening to Andy Grammer’s music growing up, with songs like “Keep Your Head Up” and “Fine By Me” often played on the car radio. Since then, every so often I hear a new song from Andy and am always a fan. Releases like “Fresh Eyes” and “Honey, I’m Good” are upbeat and just have some good vibes. This concert definitely met those vibes. The whole show had such high, explosive energy. Andy had 5 band members onstage supporting him which added immensely to the quality of music coming out of the speakers. The singer and his support musicians were all rocking matching jumpsuits with uplifting words printed on the back like “unity”, “light” and “love”. Andy took the time to introduce each member of the band and have the crowd cheer which I find very telling of a performer’s character and always love to see.Throughout the set various band members had solos and I appreciated noticing Andy step back out of the spotlight to give each artist their deserved attention. Andy joined in on the fun and had himself a trumpet solo too. He played lots of newer music which I was happy to hear is just as upbeat and positive as the majority of his discography. 

At one point, Andy slowed down the pace of the show and delivered a spoken word poem where he encouraged the idea of being yourself and standing out of the crowd even if it’s hard. He also spoke with a woman in the audience who had recently lost her husband and had the crowd sing to her during his song “These Tears”. It was beautiful and touching to be part of a chorus singing “You’re gonna be alright” to that fan. 

Andy Grammer seems like a kind, genuine, caring individual and his upbeat, grateful energy shines through in his performance. I had a great time at this show and am looking forward to future tours from him.

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