We Are Story Tellers
Farsight and Dishonest Escape joins Deadlands in Brooklyn, NY for their first-ever headliner tour at The Kingsland. The energy and vibes for the night were rock and roll to the max! Many great artists hit the stage to perform for an energetic crowd.
Farsight kicks the night off with their energetic attitudes and incredibly talented musical skills. Farsight had no problem at all engaging the crowd, throughout their entire set supporters were head banging and couldn’t stop moving to the beat of the music! At one point lead singer ‘Anthony Villani’ explained they were going to take it down a notch and perform a lowkey song. Their “low key” song still had fans absolutely going insane, head banging and dancing the entire time! There couldn’t have been a better band to start off the night’s festivities.
Dishonest Escape entered the stage with unique outfits and was ready to keep the party bumping. Between the guttural screams lead singer ‘Mizzie’ was making so effortlessly and each instrument harmoniously chiming in, fans knew they were in for a treat. Dishonest Escape played a variety of songs, as well as some techno beats. Dishonest Escape had a great personality that fit right in with the crowd, and overall vibe of the evening.
Deadlands hits the stage with energy you could feel from miles away, lead singer ‘Kasey Karlsen’ gets the crowd roaring as drummer ‘Kyle OBraitis’ heavily hits his drums, and guitarist ‘CJ Arey’ hypes the crowd up in anticipation for their first song of the night ‘House Of Cards.’ Despite ‘House Of Cards’ just being released 8 days prior to their first show of their first headlining tour, fans knew every single word, every drum beat, and every harmony. Deadlands energy is unmatched, from Kaseys melodic harmonies to guttural screams, to Kyle’s impeccable drumming skills, and CJs euphoric guitar abilities, everything ties in so naturally. The show continues hot, and heavy throughout the entire night. Fans sang their hearts out. Lead singer Kasey took time out of their performance to introduce their song ‘Black Hole’ by asking for a show of hands for anyone who has ever struggled with mental health or addiction. Kasey took the time to take the already intimate performance to a whole new level by creating a circle in the crowd and joining her supporters. Kasey sat down in the circle and performed this incredibly empowering song with such force that you could physically feel it. The entire night was filled with hardcore bands and performance but this was by far the most hardcore, metal thing i have ever seen an artist do. Kasey took the time to touch on subjects most people feel too vulnerable too and let their supporters know they are being heard and are never alone. The band made everyone in that room feel seen in that moment and you could tell how truly touched they were watching their supporters reciprocate that love. Deadlands is on the come up, and not stopping anytime soon! If you haven’t heard of Deadlands yet, I can’t stress it enough to check them out. They will certainly become your new favorite band! Deadlands in Brooklyn, NY was a blast!
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