Hidden Beats

We Are Story Tellers

Lorna Shore in Montreal

My first time shooting at MTelus was unforgettable. Seeing Whitechapel after years of listening to them, and finally experiencing Lorna Shore live, was a dream come true. The sold-out MTelus crowd made for an electrifying night.


Kicking things off was death metal band Sanguisugabogg from Columbus, Ohio. From the start, these guys had the crowd in a chokehold. They threw a “death ball” into the audience, announcing that whoever had it at the end of their set could claim free merch. It was an awesome way to connect with the crowd, and overall, their set was a solid display of death metal energy.

Kublai Khan

Next up was Texas-based deathcore band Kublai Khan. They gave the audience a full-throttle taste of deathcore, with crowd surfers emerging from the packed venue and the mosh pits in constant motion.


Finally, it was time for Whitechapel, the band I had been eagerly waiting for. Hailing from Knoxville, Tennessee, they delivered an intense, lengthy set that didn’t disappoint. The sheer power of the music was overwhelming—the bass guitar alone had me catching my breath as it reverberated through my body. Watching the band I grew up listening to at 13 and 14, I was blown away by vocalist Phil Bozeman’s unbelievable range. His voice is something else, especially for someone of his size. Everyone had warned me how crazy Whitechapel’s set would be, and they were absolutely right.

Lorna Shore

Lorna Shore is a band I’ve only recently started listening to, but after hearing their track “To the Hellfire,” I knew I had to witness Will Ramos’ vocals live. This tour featured them performing their album Pain Remains in its entirety. The setlist may have looked short on paper, but with 5-6 minute songs, they filled the time perfectly. For the encore, they naturally closed with “To the Hellfire,” and it was every bit as jaw-dropping live as I had hoped.

Closing out

As the night wrapped up, a satisfied, packed MTelus filed out after an unforgettable evening of deathcore. I felt lucky to have witnessed the first stop of their tour here in Montreal.

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