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Machine Gun Kelly Receives a Warm Welcome

Fans thought they were going to be winning big at the casino but the real jackpot was getting Machine Gun Kelly in Atlantic City! Lines are wrapped around the venue with dedicated fans sporting unique MGK inspired outfits, posters, and singing their favorite songs while awaiting entry to the venue. Machine Gun Kelly is no stranger to fame, releasing his first mixtape in 2010. MGKs rise to fame skyrocketed and the opportunities for Colson Baker became endless. Despite being a singer-songwriter, rapper, and musician, he is also an actor. MGK does it all, and has pulled fans from all over the world into his life of rock and roll. He even opened his own coffee shop! There is nothing Machine Gun Kelly can’t do! 

Machine Gun Kelly Hits The Stage

Machine Gun Kelly hits the stage at the Hard rock Live at Etess Arena and fans go crazy. Diehard fans waited from the previous night in line in hopes to secure a spot close to MGK. Smiles were spread all over the arena as Machine Gun Kelly made his entrance starting off the night with his hit song “LONG TIME COMING.” From the second MGK hit the stage the energy was electric! Between the fog, lazers, pyro, it was the show of the year! Fans couldn’t be more elated to be spending their night with their favorite artist who specially curated the best setlist for them! Machine Gun Kelly shouted out to his younger fans who were singing along with every lyric and expressed how happy he was to have such a vast group of supporters. The night continued on with fiery passion! MGK joked around that he could never be a rapper if he had a new jersey accent, and did his best impression of a jersey accent on stage which had fans cracking up. MGK gave fans a night to remember with lots of love, but that love didn’t end when he stepped off stage, he greeted fans after the show thanking them immensely for the love and support they have showed him all these years.

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