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Novacrow - Look at Me Now

Novacrow – Look at Me Now is here. For the uninitiated, Novacrow is a rock band from Liverpool with a very eclectic sound. Mix some Alice Cooper, Garbage, and Rammstein, with a healthy dose of macabre and humor, and you’ve got Novacrow. Formed in 2013, Novacrow has toured extensively and released a few EPs to great acclaim. 2022 saw them release their debut album, “Look at Me Now”, and Hidden Beats are pleased to share our thoughts.

Novacrow – Look at Me Now is here. For the uninitiated, Novacrow is a rock band from Liverpool with a very eclectic sound. Mix some Alice Cooper, Garbage, and Rammstein, with a healthy dose of macabre and humor, and you’ve got Novacrow. Formed in 2013, Novacrow has toured extensively and released a few EPs to great acclaim. 2022 saw them release their debut album, “Look at Me Now”, and Hidden Beats are pleased to share our thoughts.

A Flying Start

“Look at Me Now” gets off to a great start with “Shapes in the Sky”, which is an amazing opening track. It instantly lets you know what you are in for with Novacrow. This song has a fun bounce that makes you groove but still has a moody, dark side. Lead singer Kitty Staunton’s vocal play with Jonyx’s guitar riffs set the tone for a good time.

The lead single from “Look at Me Now” is the mouth-wateringly moody ballad “Hollow Armour”, a powerful track showcasing Kitty’s arena-rock strong pipes, and Novacrow’s ability to flip from a jumpy groove to a solid, swaying track. Continuing the strong opening to this album, Novacrow takes a hard turn to CrazyTown with “Medusa Medusa”, a carnival-sound-inspired song that has tongue-in-cheek lyrics and finger-shredding riffs. True to form, Novacrow makes it all work.

A Solid Rocker

The variety of styles is awesome and makes Novacrow such an exciting band to follow, but let’s not kid ourselves: this is a Grade-A Rock Band through and through. Novacrow really let rock roll with a solid run through “Hush”, “Play My Game”, and “Not Your Mannequin”. They all vary in style and speed and play with some electronica influences, but this run really shows the bread and butter of what Novacrow can do.

And Now for Something Completely Different

I never thought I would hear -let alone love – a 60’s groove-inspired song about Frankenstein’s monster, but hey, here we are! “Frankenfiiiine” is the song I never knew I needed, but now can’t live without it. Here’s a band having fun, taking the music seriously, but not taking themselves too seriously. The result is a solid, sexy, riffy blast of a song.

If you like a fast-paced rock with smart lyrics, put together in a well-engineered tight package, with a heavy dose of dark humor, then you owe it to yourself to give Novacrow a try. There are a few singles in their back catalog, but go ahead and dive right into “Look at Me Now” and enjoy the ride!

Novacrow – Look at Me Now was a fun piece to review

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