Welcome, Justine. For first-timers can you give a little intro about yourself?
You bet! I was born on the South Shore of Montreal and I grew up listening to and playing all kinds of music genres. I eventually began singing around the age of 11 and started with classical crossover and eventually made the switch to country music at 15.
Who would you say are some of your inspirations in music today?
My biggest inspiration is usually my peers but growing up I was very much inspired by Shania Twain, Reba, Faith Hill, and Carrie Underwood.
You recently released Hard to Love which has a story behind it that I’d love to know a little more about?
The song was written by Courtney Cole, Derrick Southerland, and Kelly Archer. When I was pitched that song, the part about dealing with an emotionally unavailable partner really resonated with me because I was in a relationship similar to that a few years ago. That gave me the motivation to go ahead and record this song because I felt a lot of people would relate to it.
The video that goes along with this track is both simple and yet speaks volumes. Was it fun shooting that one while keeping on track with the story?
This music video was so much fun to shoot! I typically create my own music scenarios and I got to collaborate with Tanner Roman to get this video to come to life. The boyfriend character was played by Patrick Marquette, originally from Ohio, who did an amazing job in portraying our emotionally unavailable partner. The retro theme was on theme with the cover art and the location was a real gem.