Hidden Beats

We Are Story Tellers

Next up is our Spotlight – Maddisun. We sit down to chat about the new release Home Is Where The Music Is and how this project came together. Check out what Maddisun had to say and check the links at the end to listen to Home Is Where The Music Is

Spotlight – Maddisun
Welcome, Maddisun. For those who are new to you can you give us a small intro about you and your music?

Hi! Maddisun (Maddison Keiver) here! I was born in the small town of Cranbrook, BC. I started playing music at the age of 5 and have been on this journey now for the last 20 years. I always knew I was destined to make music. I come from a super musical family. 


My music is very positive, and uplifting, with an indie folk/Americana sound. 

What were your early inspirations for getting into music?

I was super inspired by female musicians growing up – the first being Dolly Parton. My aunts are country music singers and were always singing her songs. Then I became obsessed with Avril Lavigne when I was about 8, and then once Taylor Swift came onto the scene, I knew I had to start songwriting. My parents played mostly classic rock, ‘70s/’80s music when I was growing up, and this was also a huge early inspiration. 

One of my favorite things I like to learn is about the process you put in when coming up with your music you can give us a little insight into that.

I am very inspired by the life around me. A lot of my songwriting is experience-based, or something I am going through personally. I can be out for a walk, dancing at a show somewhere, or sitting in a coffee shop and I’ll be inspired to write. So, usually, I’ll pull out the notes app on my phone and just start free writing, or in my journal.

After, I’ll sort of dissect all the randomness I wrote, and start putting it together in a song, either starting instrumentation with piano or guitar, whatever feels right. Then the song just evolves!

Your recent release of “Home Is Where The Music Is” comes packed with some great lyrical tracks. What is the story behind this project that you were hoping to tell?

Thank you! The album is so important to me. The whole album is a bit of a concept. It’s this theme of music/art being a sense of “home” for me. I find myself and who I am when I am able to connect with my music. I also want to share that message with listeners, that music and art are so powerful. Having something that you can dive into when you’re feeling disconnected from yourself. I think everybody needs that right. Well, that’s what music is for me. 

The small interlude “Home” is pretty powerful at the start. What made you think of that at the start of the album?

Thank you for saying that… it’s such a special part of the album. It really sets the theme for the entire album. I had this plan that I wanted to have someone speak to kind of introduce the album and introduce my journey. It really came together when my dad decided to come to L. A with me while I recorded. We had a day in the studio where we were reminiscing on my musical journey, and we managed to capture this candid verse of him speaking. The track is super special to me.

Having dropped a few pieces now, how do you think your music has evolved from your first release of “Self Reflections” up until now?

My first album was definitely more of a “debut” feeling for me. It was all the songs I had been writing since I was like 18. I explored so many different genres and songwriting styles on that album too.

I feel like my new album is much more refined. I have really started to craft my signature style, and go deeper into my songwriting. I think “Home Is Where The Music Is” has a much more mature, and deep sound to it. The production on the first album is amazing, and I can’t wait to work with that producer again, now that my songwriting has really matured and blossomed. Also, the whole concept of the album was stronger this time around, I am more knowledgeable in the world of music marketing, and for that, this release is just “bigger” for me. 

What are your thoughts on the music scene right now having come out of a unique time, to say the least?

The music industry has most definitely been impacted in the last couple of years. I think since so many musicians were out of work the demand for shows and better-paying shows is really high. There are so many musicians out there right now who need to be working, but the venues can only book so many acts, and only pay so much, so there is competition right now for work. 

I can say though, that the online world has blossomed, and there are more opportunities now online than ever, and I’m taking advantage of everything I can. 

Are you someone who would rather listen to an album front to back and take in the whole story or put it on shuffle?

Lately, front to back. I think when I started putting out albums, I started to appreciate the experience of listening to an album in full order. When I was younger, I would just find random music on the internet, maybe not even listen to the album. It helps you connect deeper with the artist and what they’re going through when they write that partial album. I also love the concept of full albums and the world they build with the concept, colors, merch, and everything! 

I have a few fun ones I like asking people to see how they tick. First up, what is something on your go-to playlist that people might not expect you to listen to? A guilty pleasure song so to speak.

Hmm… definitely “Heads Carolina Tails California” by Jo Dee Messina. I have a guilty pleasure for that ‘90s/early 2000s feel-good country pop. Shania Twain, Faith Hill… it’s cheesy, but it’s so nostalgic to my early days listening to CMT Music! 

What is a piece of advice that you were given when you started that you’ve never forgotten?

I remember I was told really early on that a key component to being discovered as an artist is to have a strong “brand” and message. So I really started crafting the “Maddisun” brand to be strong, and recognizable. From merch, graphics, fonts, website, and photoshoots to the music I make. 

What is one thing you think should be asked more in an interview that’s not asked enough?

What obstacles the artist is currently navigating? I love a good positive, good vibe interview, but I also like to get deep and talk about what I am struggling with and what is going on behind the scenes, you know.. a lot of the things that fuel the art. 

Last but not least, why is music important to you, and what keeps you going?

As my album title says, my home is where my music is. I really feel like I can connect with myself and feel at home and at peace with my music. It is therapy for me. When I step on stage, I know I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. This truly keeps me going, that I know it is my true life’s purpose to make music and share it with the world. Connecting with fans online and at the shows is incredibly motivating and fulfilling, and for that reason too, I’m only going to keep working and striving to build my career. 

Spotlight – Maddisun has come to a close. Big shout out to Maddisun for taking the time to chat

Check out the new release Home is Where the Music is right now

Keep up with Maddisun right here

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