Hidden Beats

We Are Story Tellers

Spotlight – Mitch Zorn

Today we Spotlight – Mitch Zorn. We got to sit down and pick Mitch Zorn’s brain a little during this busy festival season to learn more about his musical journey. We talk about the release of Home and how it all came together and thoughts on the music scene. Check out Mitch’s thoughts and show some love.

How did you get started in music?

I grew up in a small town in a very musical family. My dad sang and played bass in a country/blues band when I was young and I used to sit in on the practices until I was old enough to play. Dad got me my first guitar when I was 7 and I was playing and writing when I was 9.

Is there an album or song that changed your life?

Yeah, growing up I listened to so much music it’s so hard to nail down one example but one of my earliest memories, and this one isn’t even country but I remember the first time I heard 36 Chambers by the Wu Tang Clan and I remember that album leaving such a big impression on me as a creator, their sound was so different and so experimental compared to what was coming out at that time for hip hop and I just remember thinking how cool it was that these guys had found their own lane and carved out a sound that was truly theirs while staying within the lanes of the genre so that one I’ll always remember

What are some of the good and bad parts of the music scene today?

I don’t know if I’d necessarily say anything is bad in the music scene today but there’s just so much content and so much music coming out it’s definitely hard to find your lane and your audience, but I think if you just stay true to yourself good songs will always find their way. On the flip side of that with TikTok and Reels etc. you have a good opportunity to get yourself seen and heard

What does it mean to be unique today in music?

I think today’s world is a little different, you can expand outside of the genres a little easier, if you have something that connects with people it will find its way regardless these days. You see so many different walks of life these days, especially in country, so I think if you stay in a lane just a little bit it’s easier to be unique and different

You have a new single titled “Home” that’s recently released. Can you tell us the inspiration behind this piece?

Yeah! I spent most of my 20s working on the road in the oil fields as an electrician and I had been working down in Texas and travelling to Nashville on my days off and Home was written about the struggles you face working away lake that, you give up alot of your free time and a lot of time with family to make a living and I think home is just about that sacrifice you make and wanting to be somewhere else when you’re out there working

What is your process like when putting together your music? Do you have any out-of- the-box processes you like to use in your work?

I think my process is a pretty standard model of writing songs, I usually look for melodies in songs I listen to or whatever pops in my head and build a structure and a lyrical story from that. But it changes all the time it comes in waves and I just try to be ready when that inspiration hits

How do you think your music has evolved from early releases like “Humbolt” and “A Little Time” compared to today’s sound?

I think I’ve definitely started to gravitate toward a more modern country, sometimes traditional country sound. Those early songs I didn’t really know what I was doing or who I wanted to be and was just trying to write the best songs I could so I think my sound has changed in that it’s a little more direct with what direction I want to take it. I still love those early songs though

What is your favorite part of the process if you had to pick either Writing, Production, or playing live?

I love playing shows and connecting with people but I started in my bedroom writing songs for no one and it’s hard to replace that feeling for me just being in a room creating and experimenting with sounds so I definitely lean more toward the writing side of things and I think production falls into that as well

What is the most interesting thing you have learned about yourself while growing as a Musician?

I love this question. I definitely see my creative pursuits and my music career as a reflection of myself and I’m always changing and growing and I think that reflects in the music, I have definitely learned the art of resilience and just how strong you have to be mentally to pursue something you believe in and love over a long period of time so I think I’ve just learned how much I’m willing to give to this

What are some things you do to keep grounded outside of music?

Well I live in a small town and I was raised in a family that gravitated toward the outdoors, hunting and fishing so I have found a lot of peace these days in getting out in the bush and getting out fishing whenever I get the time, I think the quiet really helps me relax and prepare for when it gets busy

If you had to pick one, what is your dream late-night show to perform on?

Good question, my favorite movie of all time is Almost Famous and Jimmy Fallon plays a big time music manager so I think just by association I would have to say Fallon

What is one thing you think should be asked more in an interview that’s not asked enough?

I loved the question you had about what I’ve learned about myself during this journey, I’ve never had that one before so I appreciate that one for sure

What is the most underrated salad dressing and why?

Lol, I don’t know if this is underrated or overrated but you put Greek feta dressing on anything and I’ll eat it

Who plays you in the movie of your life?

Me, I think I’d love to try out acting and I think I could pull off being me pretty well but some days I feel like Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing so who knows.

What do you hope people take away from your music?

I hope they find some sort of connection to my stories and theirs. I try to write about my life and experiences and tell real stories so I hope people can relate to that

What is your motivation to keep pressuring music?

I don’t have a plan B, I’ll do this till the day I day and these days I think it’s just automatic, I’m so far down this road there is no turning back now. I just love it, I’m obsessed with creating and listening and performing music and have been my entire life.

Last but not least, Are you happy?

Also a great question, not in a pessimistic way but I’ve learned in my life that the pursuit of happiness can be fleeting, life is always going to be a challenge in one way or another and I try and be grateful for any moment these days where I feel like I’m present and in the moment and on a path that aligns with the things I love, but simply put I would say yes, I’m proud of where I came from and where I’m going.

Spotlight – Mitch Zorn has come to an end! Big thanks to Mitch for taking the time to chat

Check out Home and all the great music!

Keep up with Mitch right here!

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