Welcome. As this is my first exposure to Splash N Boots, I hope to get a little introduction about you and your music for myself and the readers about you and your music.
I’m Nick Adams, the Splash half of Splash’N Boots. We started performing for children and families as a class project while attending Queen’s University in Kingston, ON. We have since dedicated our lives to creating music and experiences for families to help bring children and their caregivers closer together.
I am curious about the creation of the group and the direction of a children-centric focus and how that came about.
Taes (the Boots half) and I were given a class assignment to make a play for young audiences. What started as a script soon turned into songs…those songs we turned into an album with NO idea what we were doing. (Ha!) We did know we loved writing songs for children and performing live for families. We started performing at birthday parties and any festival and fair that would hire us. Eventually, we graduated from theatre shows and decided to create a TV pilot and pitch it. A TV show on Treehouse and 14 albums later we still have that same passion for writing for young audiences 19 years later.
Everyone has a story to tell with their music and I am curious what your story is.
Our story to tell with our music is about love. We want children to feel loved and safe while listening to our music or coming to our live show. We want parents and caregivers to feel loved, and heard and that they are enough as well. That’s our goal – that’s the story we want to tell.