Hidden Beats

We Are Story Tellers

Steve Vai in Halifax

August kicked off with legendary guitarist Steve Vai in Halifax. The 3-time Grammy winner made his debut visit to the city to a sold-out crowd at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium as part of his Inviolate Tour, bringing along his band and signature axes.

After ripping through a few songs and getting the crowd hyped, Steve Vai took time during the performance of “Tender Surrender” to introduce the band – Dante Frisiello on guitar, Phillip Bynoe on bass, and Jeremy Colson on drums. The group delivered a stacked list of songs to the crowd that spanned Vai’s entire discography and showed off his guitar prowess. He wasn’t the only one that got to show off his chops though; Frisiello, Bynoe and Colson all had their own moments in the spotlight, each of them knocking out some killer performances.

Vai took a brief pause from guitar shredding to interact more personally with the crowd, joking that his wife tells him he “should talk to [us] more.” He talked about his love of Harley’s, the time he bought seven of them, and how he wanted to write a record that “felt like how you felt while riding a motorcycle,” which resulted in the recently released album, Inviolate.


Once Colson wrapped up his drum solo, a moment fans had been waiting for was finally here. The Hydra – Steve Vai’s triple-necked guitar/bass hybrid – was unveiled to a roaring crowd, as Vai slowly pulled off the black cloth that had been keeping it hidden. He was quick to demonstrate The Hydra’s capabilities with the song “Teeth of the Hydra” from his latest album Inviolate. It’s a spectacular instrument, and so massive that it needs to be mounted to play it.

The band stepped away from their instruments after playing a few more songs, leaving fans to cheer for an encore. Vai came back to shred for the crowd one more time, giving them a chance to finally get on their feet and rock out (the downside of shows in theatres – having to be seated).

This show was an incredible showcase of talent. Steve Vai is one hell of a performer, and there’s a ton of work that goes into his live productions. After such a great debut experience, we can only hope that he comes back to sell out another theatre and bring together another crowd of guitar enthusiasts.

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