Spotlight – Gwyn Love

This Spotlight – Gwyn Love. We got the chance to sit down and chat with this young, talented artist about her music and recent signing with 604 Records. Gwyn hails from Oklahoma and is a first for us here getting to cross the border so we were excited to say the least. Check out what Gwyn has to say now!

Spotlight - Gwyn Love

First, congrats on signing with 604 Records. How does it feel to be the first and only American artist attached to the label?

Thank you! It feels amazing! I’m so honored. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would happen. 

How did you get involved with 604 Records?

I reached out to Jonathan Simkin for an interview about Marianas Trench and we had a really good chat. We kept in contact, within a year he told me he wanted to sign me. 

You have been performing for a while now and are an accomplished cello player. Tell us a bit more about your passion for the cello, it is not an instrument that gets enough attention in comparison to say, the violin.

I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m an accomplished cello player or anything like that hahah I started playing at age 5 and quit playing at around 10. However, I wish I hadn’t quit. As a child I didn’t have as much appreciation for the cello as I do now. I’ve been thinking about picking it up again. 

Growing up, I read that you were a big fan of Canadian icons Avril Lavigne, Marianas Trench amongst others. What was it about them that resonated with you, and what are some other artists that you are a fan of; either inspirations, or just contemporary favorites?

Yesss I love Avril Lavigne and Marianas trench. I’m huge into lyrics and both of these artists’ lyrics related with me in a very special way. I’m a huge fan of Lauv, Bea miller, the summer set, and many more. Lyrics are sooo important to me, but of course u gotta have a tight melody to go along with it.

As mentioned earlier, you are from the states, from Oklahoma, can you tell us just some of the noticeable differences you find between the 2 countries? Are you planning on relocating to Vancouver?

Love this question because I was SHOOK when I arrived in Vancouver. there was so much healthy food, vegetarian options everywhere I went. it’s not like that here. It seemed like everyone was more conscious of the environment. recycle bins everywhere, paper straws, I hardly saw any litter. I also had never tried hot tea and I am now obsessed.

You come from a large family, 8 siblings if I recall. Tell us a bit more of growing up with that many people and how do you think it helped shape your personality and general attitude? 

Growing up with eight siblings made me feel insignificant to be honest. like if I died, there were 8 others to take my place. It really sparked my need to stand out I think. I want to be noticed. I love all of them so much! growing up homeschooled, we would make up a lot of games. I always had someone to play with so that was nice. very hectic though.

You just dropped a video for ‘never have to see u again’ that is so badass. It really gives off Kitten/Monowhales vibes. What was the conversations like between you and Emma Higgins to create that visual component?

I told Emma I wanted there to be lots of color and lights. I’m not 100% sure how the conversation went, but we started talking about destroying heart shaped items and she really understood the vibe I was going for. I was SOLD immediately. she’s amazing.

I love the song personally, it has such, “middle finger but not angry, just matter of fact” energy. Tell us a bit more about its creation and conception.

Hahahah I love that description because that’s exactly how I felt writing it. I wanted to get it all off my chest, how I felt, how he made me feel. I needed to get it out. After writing that song, (sounds cheesy) but I really did feel so much lighter.

Spotlight - Gwyn Love

As someone who has been performing and musically inclined for so long, how did it feel to see the completed video and have that “it’s finally happening” feeling?

Tt’s so surreal. I feel so validated and I never knew if I would. I thought I was good, but I didn’t know if I was good enough. Having a label backing me up and investing time in me makes me feel so special. Seeing the video for the first time, I cried. I couldn’t believe that was me.

Now that you have dropped your single, and your full album is coming out this fall, what can we expect from Gwyn Love? Does it have a name yet? Or are we keeping that a surprise?

I will be doing some live streams until it’s safe to perform. I have so much ready to release, even after the EP in the fall. ima keep the bops coming. Don’t know if I’m supposed to say…but the EP is titled “at first blush”. 

As a young, female musician, what are some words of advice you would like to give others out there?

People are going to try to invalidate you and make you feel like your dreams are impossible. It’s not true. Keep working, keep writing, and keep dreaming. 

How have you been keeping busy and sane during Covid?

I think I’ve lost my sanity a few times hahaha, but I got two little kittens and they make me so happy. I also set up an at home studio and I’ve been writing a lot!

With things slowly reopening is there any of your local favorite bars/restaurants/hangouts you are especially looking forward to getting back to?

I’ve been going to some of my favorites here in OKC! there’s some really cool spots like The Jones Assembly, The Collective, and The Parlor. I’m really vibing with patios these days and all of these places have patios, it’s sick.

Thank you so much for taking the time, and again, congratulations on the single and video. You should feel enormously proud of yourself. I know this summer has not been what we expected, but you created something special, and no matter what the vibe check is, this is the beginning of something special.

Thank you so much for having me! 

Spotlight - Gwyn Love

This Spotlight – Gwyn Love is in the books! Big thanks to Gwyn for taking the time to chat with us.

Check out Gwyn Love’s music here.

To keep up with everything Gwyn make sure you visit her here.

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