Spotlight – Twiztid

Today under the Spotlight – Twiztid. The dynamic hip-hop crew is wildly known for their music but of recent years they also founded the pop culture convention Astronomicon. The convention, now in its 3rd year, is working its way up the pop culture ranks as a fun and inviting place for anyone in the community to come and enjoy.

You can meet your favorite celebs or shop with the countless vendors and take in all the cosplayers amazing work. We had a chance to talk to Jaime Madrox about music, pop culture and the ins and outs of the Con life.

Twiztid - Astronomicon

What was it like playing at the van’s 25th anniversary tour? I know you guys have a lot of history there


It was surreal

It was cool. I mean to be blatantly honest; it was it was cool to be called back. I mean like getting to do that last cross country run was like a godsend.

But to be like one of the bands actually called back to do the last celebration like man that that was rad, literally there is no better definition of rad than that. That was rad.


Yeah, I can imagine.



When you guys added Drayven recently how did that come about.


We’ve been working with him on and off and he’s done some production work with us in the past but like over the course of the last couple years we’ve started integrating him more musically into the band. And then you know absolutely most recent of all on stage performance as well.

He just it clicks with us, Know what I mean, he understands what we’re trying to do and unlike a lot of other rock guys he’s not, I don’t want to say scared, scared is the wrong word, he’s not turned off by rap you know what I mean?

Yeah there’s a very select few that are, they’re purists’ man, they’re like Don’t mix your peanut butter with your chocolate. I just won’t have it you know that close-minded people do whatever. But he’s not that way and it works. He understands what we do, and I appreciate him for that.


Yeah for sure and it’s always if you can have someone that can click with you and make things a lot easier.


For sure for sure. And I mean the integrity of the band you know in that in the quest like every time like, “do you think will look good if we do this” or “hey, I thought we should do this or that“. So, he’s definitely the unspoken third sibling somewhere in the family tree of the Siamese twins.

Twiztid - Astronomicon

With all the music that’s going on right now what are you guys playing on your playlists?


You know I just literally just did an interview the other day and someone tried to put me on the spot and ask me that. You know I listened to with the new the new thing how everybody just releases singles and songs and stuff like that on the last album I bought was Amo by Bring Me the Horizon and I really enjoy it.

I mean again with the purest shit, a lot of people were really bummed about it and like “oh well it’s not heavy enough for me” and I actually, kudos to them for like having the grapes to take that musical endeavor fearlessly. They don’t give a shit and I mean obviously they’re in a great place where they don’t have to give a shit, but I mean the fact that they did that and it’s just it’s still musically it’s great. I love their old stuff and I love their new stuff and I love the brand-new stuff; you know all the way through.

But I actually I’m appreciative of that because we kind of tried to take a bold leap like that with us on Generation Nightmare and the same thing applies. When I see someone who I’m a fan of doing it as well it’s like “All the greats do it to!” you know what I mean. So that’s cool.


Yeah, it’s always nice to see, like you can appreciate music that’s done properly it’s done well that you can just absorb and yeah. Who cares if it changes up a little bit as long as it’s done good?


And you get a lot of people that are like It’s not like so and so or like this album or that album or whatever and you’re like you know what – you can always go back and buy that album and put that specific album that holds great relevance in your life on at any given time with the advent of the Internet you know.


Yeah exactly.


To hold somebody accountable to some fixation that a fan has. But it happens and it’s unfortunate in some cases but.

But no that’s great. A couple other singles Atreyu House of Gold, I PrevailScars, Hurricane, My Chemical Romance, they never leave my playlist, I always love for them. And you know Motionless in WhiteDisguise, the new record, It’s great. Knowing those guys a little better gives me kind of a little more insight into their music and it makes me appreciate it just a little bit more I was already a fan but now I just have like an extra appreciation for it because now I know the people that are that are connected to the words. So that’s cool.


Yeah well when you actually get to interact with someone like that must make it a lot different.


Yeah man seriously, I mean completely humble dude and you know what I mean it’s like we would literally come over to the side of the stage and check us out performing and I’m like holy shit this isn’t happening right now like I own this guy’s records and he’s like sitting side nodding to Die Motherfucker Die – like this is again, those surreal moments you can’t make up you know what I mean and that’s fucking awesome.


Yeah. I work a lot with local shows around here too so whenever you get to interact with those guys that you grew up with and it’s a show it’s a whole different feeling for sure


Especially when they’re chill.

Yes, you know if they are douches, you know never makes for a good ending on anything and then you actually regret liking them and all that one to one. I met a lot of really solid people so. So, I’m happy I’m blessed to say that you know, so yeah thankfully I don’t have any horror stories.

With the rising of all the of all the social media and streaming platforms there’s been a huge surge in popularity for the purple show Is there any comeback with that might happen or


you know we talked about it and I just think that it’s one of those things where we’re we kind of we lightly touched on it with me saying you know someone’s favorite record is so-and-so and go back and watch that.

And it’s like we do. We do still want to take a step in a fun approach like Purple show in the vein of Purple show where it was carefree and literally it was just a bunch of dorks in a video camera having fun.

We will do something like it, but I don’t I honestly don’t think you can capture and recreate the lightning in the bottle.


No. some of those things once it’s gone it’s gone


It is just a hot mess and it is there to be seen and it is just too fun, and we’ve had a whole summer doing it and it was just cool man. And it’s a lot of fun and it’s like I look at it like home movies and people are like Oh man that’s my jam. We used to watch this you know summertime smoking dubies and drinking beers and you’re like that’s great. I never would have thought you know that was like on the cutting edge when the Internet was just starting, and you had to like download shows and you know what I mean.

But limits and the rendering times for these things were atrocious. We’re talking like you know Jurassic Park, 3 hours to fuckin render something like Oh yeah God.


Yeah you shoot jackass videos with my buddies who were younger. So, I know that feeling right.


You know the render time is time and a half.

So, whatever your awesomeness you put together you’re going to be there for a while like god damn.


Well even more so if you have just you know not the funds for even a good computer at the time, I was doing things at the library sometimes.


Yeah. Well you know what I like to say I’m never one of them cocky people that talk shit but I will say at that point we were blessed to have a guy who had a really good computer setup so he was like go to brain and even though he was like You know you always make fun me saying listen here George Lucas you’re pushing the limitations on the Internet. Come on. And here we are 20 years later and the shit you can do on your phone is just atrocious.


Oh yeah. I kind of really stepped into that after we started filming and I was the one who did all the filming and you know edit everything and he just kind of kept up with that


Somewhere there’s always that point man you know you’ll be there is always one of those guys he’s late hours early mornings and just doesn’t stop until the project done and then everybody is like “We’ve done a great job” and you got share the accolades because at the end of the day it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t have nothing but that there other morning for so.


Yeah very true very true. The equipment nowadays is ridiculous that you can get there.


It really is.

There’s so many programs now like keyframing and stuff I’m just I’m blown away like I’m actually upset that I haven’t figured out a good one on my phone to do like little edit things like my kids have you know Apple phones or iPhones or whatever you call me I got an android so I always tease them or whatever but they’re the shit that they’re able to do on a iMovie is just like breathtaking I’m like Man I’m jealous I’m switch and I’m converting over to iPhone. Instead of Android in the battle of 2020


Yeah, my little home office that I have here is this is decked out pretty good for stuff like that now.


Yes right. Right. You know what I mean it’s like and this is great. And I also love that too I love people that are and reinvest in their self. You know you know that things are going to fall into your lap and you get some come up in the world wherever they may be and see people that reinvest in their self and buying new microphones and new recording devices or new computers or whatever else and you can see the quality and you can see the upgrade and people who really want it and that’s cool too and nowadays that really sets the bar.

So, you guys are huge Batman fans. What are your thoughts on the new Joker movie?

Twiztid - Astronomicon


You know. Oh man this is going to sound like a douche bag. I still haven’t seen it. You know I don’t want to hit it. I don’t want to hate it, but I hate. I hate Joaquin Phoenix’s voice for start.


I mean I heard good and bad things too. So.


Yeah. Then and then the commercial said it all to me and me growing up. I got both sides. You know I’m a kid in the 70s. I got both sides the Joker. I got that playful you know painted mustache Caesar Romero hahaha everything clowny day. And then I got your, you know, Jack Nicholson – He just shot that dude in the neck and you know and then even got my Heath Ledger with the mouth cut open and you know I got the psycho Joker on the other half and it’s like none of my Jokers were bullied.

You know and that’s why I don’t want to speak on it because I know right now that the mental health situation and the nation is on the rise and that movie brought awareness to it and now it’s like the fucking soul story lines of a few wrestling gimmicks. You know what I mean? it is everywhere.

Yeah man I don’t know, I almost I feel like my ignorance is my pass on having to dis it. You know what I mean. But I’ll say that. I’ll just keep repeating that my Joker didn’t get bullied.


Yeah. I mean does that make sense.


You know what I will see it. I’m not going to be a bitter asshole to the end. I’m sure it when it comes on Encore. That’s even still a goddamn station.


Haha I don’t even know anymore.


Yeah right. You know what I mean. It’s like HBO doesn’t even exists anymore. I’ll see it you know what I mean, I know I’ll see, and I’ve already seen the spoiler part. If you haven’t seen it. Have you seen it?


No, I haven’t actually.


Okay then I will spoil it for you. But some of the playful people that I follow They were like oh check out this thing it’s like the crescendo scene of the movie, so I know what happened. I know how we get there and it’s like I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.




So now I’ll tell you what. When Halloween kills comes out, I’ll probably be the first guy in line because every blink right now I feel like I’m missing something.


Yeah, I can see that


That goes to show you the level of importance to me.

Twiztid - Astronomicon

What are your thoughts on Burt Ward saying way back in the day that they were forcing him to take Dick shrinking pills?


Oh, I think you know I think every man gets to that age where they want to relive the wonder years so to speak. And you know I mean if that was real then you know I mean in the porno business I guess it’s not a bad problem to have.

Yeah, it’s not real. If it’s real, it makes for a hell of a story. I’ve noticed him over the years, he’s does weird shit. I still love him. You know I’ll always love Burt. You know I got I literally in my in my vestibule of my house I have autographs from Adam West, Burt Ward and Yvonne Craig. RIP to 2 of the 3. You know it’s cool to see Burt Ward still doing his thing like I actually was taken away by the idea that he had this whole I want to stay like a dog food company or something.


Yeah, I heard about that actually.


Yes, very proactive. I want to say it’s called forgive me if it’s wrong, but I want to say it’s called Gentle Giants or something like that with a Great Dane. It’s a dog food company or some sort of campaign raising things for animals and it’s all positive.

That’s super cool. But I just think that you know it gets to that point where they’re from that old school where you know they weren’t allowed to sling shit and now it’s a free for all. Everybody slinks shit. So maybe that’s him getting some retroactive shit sling now I mean taking dick shrinking pills, sure they did dude.


It’s like how do you actually believe that.


Yeah. Ask Kathy Warren that question and I bet you would get a different answer haha I don’t know if her name is Kathy, but Kathy has a different answer Dick I’m telling ya.

That’s so good though, fuck yea

So, when it comes to Astronomicon, what was your inspiration for that? How hard was that to set up?

Twiztid - Astronomicon


Oh, incredibly hard at first. You know only the very first year laying the groundwork trying to facilitate the area and get everybody from the talent was a challenge. So, whether it be musicians or actors or sports entertainment whatever what have you. You know getting everybody to be in one place at one time was not an easy feat. And if it wasn’t for my guys Mike, George, Dustin and obviously me and Paul trying to all pull our way it never would’ve happened. Then we had to face against us. We had the first year was like a complete snow out.


Yeah, I read about that.


We still good. I don’t know how and I’m not even going to question it, I’m forever thankful. But we did good. And by the second-year people were kind of had a perked interest like you did good and a snow out, what’s it like when it’s not snowing. And people came and you know the overall take away was like you know people were happy smiling faces and I feel like we still don’t, and I’m not being presumptuous in any way shape or form, I still don’t think we have it to where I could just be cocky and be like “oh we’ve got this”.

As we speak today I get, every 5 – 10 minutes, I get phone calls from a person who wants to be on the next one or a person who says you know we heard through the grapevine they’ll never be at our con because you booked this person or that you know. It’s like oh man but I love the fact that that we’re actually making it happen and we’re three years in a row.

And this year I mean we put together pretty star-studded lineup. So, I’m pretty happy about it.


Yeah, I’m a little jealous I can’t get down to see that would be great.


Hey man you know whenever you can no matter what year wherever we’re at you know you’re always welcome. We love that shit. We love it as many people to talk about it and tell about it and come down experience that so that they can you know have I have a personal testament you know whatever they stay on the proactive commercials. A testimonial.


Yeah, a testimonial or something like that.


You know what I mean it’s like that because really truthfully nothing can really tell you like an experience of actually being there and you know and for a lot of the people in the area and fan base of us, the camaraderie of seeing people once a year that’s always cool too and for the newbies and people who have no idea who we are and they just come to meet Alexa Bliss for the first time or by shake hands Kevin Eastman because they have the turtles tattooed all over the body.


Yeah for sure.


I mean you know that kind of epicenes is something that again that we’re beyond proud to be able to present to the people because we are those people, so I know how cool that is to say that. Yeah that’s why they’re with honor like a holy fuck like I know how cool that is because I’m a fan of the turtles like you know what I mean, and I love wrestling and I know how hard it was to get Alexa Bliss.

So, it’s like shit yeah. We’re actually doing this for real and we’re still learning every day every, every time, every year we learn more we get we get our feet wet more like you know so to speak and we’re starting to learn how this shit really works because we want to continue to do this until one day we’re one of the greats like C2E2 or NYCC or what have you. We want to be one of those guys, like you want to be that household name where Sci-fi and all the people on the catwalk or whatever you call it with all the actors and people want to attend your Con because you were so vigilant about never letting it go.


Yeah for sure.


So that is our heart and we’re going in the right direction, I guess.


I mean three years you can’t go wrong with that.


You know one of the biggest things that we heard was I don’t do first year Con.




We heard back from everybody and you know and that was our response real shit just like you, Okay. Like I can’t even argue cause you know what I think give you all the money in the world and you could tell me all the money in the world is not worth me looking like an asshole and there’s no one there to get an autograph and I’m like Oh touché!

So that’s why they’re like I don’t want to do a first year Con I want to go ahead and look. Year 2 and look back and see what the photos look like. Was there tumbleweed an aisle, did would look depressed. Was there a message board where everybody’s pissed you know whatever any convention nightmares.

I could go on for days but when they see that they’re like OK it’s not some rinky dink fly by night venture you people actually do give a shit and I’m hearing that thing, which is how a lot of our new talent actually came to be on the roster this year because of that. Which is cool.


Yeah like I’m always open I try to see the new con in that. But you know it’s always iffy you know you wonder how it’s going to go.


Absolutely man seriously. And you know we love this shit and I go all of them. I don’t want to sound petty, but I go to like the house shows. Like toy and comic car shows and the local VFW halls and whatever I go all those things because it’s who I am it’s what I love. I love comics and cards and I love that, and I love the some of the vendors.

I love seeing what’s hot and what’s new and I like being engaged with the community. So, like when I see these people and those faces at our events and them just being like wow man keep doing what you’re doing. It’s a good feeling. So, what I’m saying is I guess it pays to pay attention to everybody and see what’s going on and not always just isolate yourself away from everything and you know what I mean.


Yeah. Be part of the community in general.


Sure. For sure man. There’s a lot of good people in the community and I think that’s why Astronomicon is such a big success.

Looking back at things now, would you have done anything differently with Astronomicon?

Twiztid - Astronomicon


You know I could just hear my brother in my head being like “Not make it in February when it’s snowing” you know. Yeah, I mean it’s like one haha.

No. And the reason I say no is because I am that guy who really believes that everything happens for a reason. For sure so I wouldn’t want the butterfly effect that would be caused if I did one thing different, I feel everything should have happened the way that it happened and that is a brick in the road of why it is. It’s the gold the yellow brick road man, it’s the golden trail.


You know if it’s not broke don’t fix it.


I mean you know there’s always room for improvement but as far like just saying I would have done this or that, I mean to me still looking at it from where I looked at it, it was an ambitious move. Yeah you know what I mean like right down to anything to wherever we sat, it was an ambitious move and it was tough. But we are grown-ups. We are going to do this, and we successfully did it. Now you can in hindsight say, “Oh it was nothing” It’s like OK but yeah, we were shitting our pants you know what I mean.


Yeah sure.


So, I wouldn’t want to take that away from me because I wouldn’t want to ever be arrogant and cocky and lose that little kid in me that that has on do with this, I think that’s what I want to say.


If you had, you know your chance for your dream guest to be part of the part of the kind of who would you want to be there.


You know that’s a great question too because ugh you know, dream guest, that’s great.

It would have been Adam West you know. Yeah but like I legitimately threw out some of the craziest name and I’m like What’s up on Hulk Hogan. What’s up what’s up on Mr. T. If I’m not mistaken Mr. T doesn’t do conventions or something like that, I’m like it makes that it makes sense to about never seen him like appear anywhere and it’s just weird. Unless I’m living under a rock or something and I haven’t paid attention. But you know like people I’m thinking about people that are cool to me but the other part that’s what talking about having three other partners in this is that you have people to spin stuff off of you. Just because I like it doesn’t mean they do.


Yeah. Different point of view for sure.


With this whole Richard Brake thing, I knew him as the guy who was going to be in 3 from Hell and a guy in 31. Then they’re all telling me that he’s you know he’s the Night King and I’m like What the hell’s the Night King because I didn’t watch Game of Thrones. So legit I still have buddies that haven’t seen Breaking Bad and you know I think I can drop all Breaking Bad references and it’s like if you’ve seen it you would laugh, and you know what I’m saying. But it can happen you’re like What the fuck is that.


That’s me I actually haven’t seen Breaking Bad yet.


So, you get what I’m saying. It’s like it’s like it was something that was really huge. You were in it or not and you have True Blood, Twilight and all the other bullshit, the fads that come and go. Like to some people was everything and to some people it was just another show. Like I didn’t pay any attention to that my fandom in the guy is his stake in horror movies and I’m just being a really crazy actor. That was it to me and then finding out like that’s an important character from the show as far as I understand. Like Funko “Popped” him from that character.


Yeah exactly.


Yeah, we’ve come to a world where I judge your fame by your Funko Pops! Yeah, it’s ridiculous but I love it. I wouldn’t have it any other way though.


I was lucky enough to meet Adam was like the year before he passed. So yeah, I got to get an autograph with him and everything. He’s always in his dream people you want to see that are cool to you that might not be to someone else


My God when you do something like, I feel like after this shit happened with Stan Lee and all of that stuff started you know the talks about elder abuse then and whatever and it’s like when I met Stan Lee he wasn’t that he, I mean shit I don’t even know how old Paul and I were but Stan was still good. Stan had a few greys, but he would you know he wasn’t the Silver Fox that we knew him as before he left the planet.

You know what I mean but it’s like when Adam West and those other guys you know it’s like they were starting to get old too. And it just seemed like at times maybe they weren’t happy, or you don’t. You can catch anyone on a bad day it is what it is. There’s a lot of people like that. So, you know yeah, I know I’m happy to say that I got to meet them and that was pretty fresh and again those fucking pictures they hang on my wall with pride. I still got them and that’s pretty rad.


Yeah same with me. I again I met Stan Lee actually the year before he passed and I was there and we actually stayed in the same hotel we were like two doors down from each other which was kind of funny because we came out of the rooms at the same time and it was like holy crap


It’s awesome, it’s like any of those guys that are in their sweet years like Lloyd Kaufman from Tromeo, like you know bringing him in, to me Lloyd never really got, you know like there’s still that like give this man the recognition and love Toxic Avenger is one of the most underground biggest things ever.

Everybody knows and it had its own cartoon and toy line and it’s just it’s fucking crazy and this guy you is one of the coolest down to earth people and Stan was like that to in regards you have that passion for your fans that you know put you in a place where you are you know what I mean.

And you could tell he respected and that and to me that’s worth everything.

That to me is what makes the person it’s like no matter what windows to the walls and these people are the greatest. Let me scribble it down for you, here give me your paper. You know what I mean like that.

Twiztid - Astronomicon

So, is the con your main focus now? Is there new music coming?


Oh no we’re still working on music it’s just that the situations that that I’m seeing that we’re seeing you know just like after reevaluating you know everybody takes that holiday break off and just reevaluating and looking at some things and it’s like basically no one releases albums anymore.

Everybody is sticking to this new industry standard where it’s singles and basically for lack of better terms, building your following, on Spotify listeners or platforms of that nature so that you can remain relevant because nowadays with the digital tech If you’re not properly plugged in you’re not even a blip on the radar.


Yeah that’s true.


Still you know what I mean. So that’s where we’re at now. So, we were recording songs. So what we’re trying to figure out is do we, this is the current problem, Do we sit down and in theory how we used to write a record we would sit down and make a composition a body will songs to have a theme or just the collection of songs. If like if we did that and still that in that mannerism and then we Benny hana’d it up and separated and here’s a little for you and a little for you and whatever like that would it still have would you still have that meat potatoes feel like a Freak Show or Mirror Mirror.

That’s what we are trying to figure out. So basically what I’m saying is if it’s not taken end in a full dose of how it was intended is it really going to hold up or have those same whatever magical feeling that it had when you were young you what I mean.


Yeah, no makes sense I can get that.


Almost like almost seeing Nightmare on Elm Street compartmentalized and you don’t see it all the way through. You just see like the middle part where she’s getting dragged off the wall and then you see the fucking sleep over scene you know it’s all over and you don’t know what the fuck’s going on. What am I watching?


Yeah exactly.


But when it all plays out, you’re like oh everything fits. This is such a great movie or record or what have you.


Yeah continuity is good


We have a lot of stuff deck you know we got a lot of music coming. I mean it’s not it’s not for lack of not having music or nothing. It’s just in regard of being musicians or being you know artists or entertainers that to me right now is our current, if you want to call it a dilemma, it’s more or less just a question that you know, that we’re taking back and forth around with because we have ideas for a record and all of that it’s just a matter of talking to the parent companies seeing what they think because we’ve talks with them and shit like that. Like it’s really weird right now. Things change rapidly in the entertainment industry.


Oh, for sure the whole everything’s different now


You know what I mean it’s like one day you’re pitching a single then your pitch and you know when Instagram then you’re pitch in a YouTube channel and it’s like you know what, however. However, you can stay connected with the people that want to get at you. You know it’s what it essentially it turns into. But yeah man.


And now is ever changing and like tick tock that’s out there. Another big one is going to come up.


Absolutely. Absolutely. I mean it’s like these tech trends come on or you know whatever. And it’s just like having that right.

It’s like we look at that a lot too sometimes how it’s crazy how, I can’t think of an example I don’t know I’m trying to think of an example, someone who’s just like a legend who will have you know I don’t know nine thousand people follow them and you’re like with this possible this guy this woman this person is an absolute legend. But then I’ll see a person and it’ll be like 3.1M. Three point one million. Who is this person? And I don’t even know who that person is.


Yeah, I deal with that a lot actually. Some of the shows we put on we have these internet performers.


And that to me is kind of atrocious because I think that a lot of that proves my point. A lot of where people are plugged into is easy come uppins and the old people and the people that were before these times are trying to get with the times. Now it’s cool when you go in and there’s a black sabbath play list, That’s cool. Yeah but you see what I’m saying.


Oh, sure yeah. There I see it all the time.


I love the band. Like Nothing More or you know something like that like you’re really involved in the community and with.




But yeah you know what I mean. So, it’s like it’s just cool. Is it different? And it’s like I can see now more so than ever how truly different it is just by stuff like that.


One of the one of the shows we’re doing soon is actually Cam’ron.


Yeah. Oh yeah.


He’s doing his 15-year anniversary tour and it’s interesting. You talk to some younger kids these days and they’re like I’ve no idea who the hell that is but I’m sitting here with three or four his songs on my playlist is rocking them out every day. It’s a disconnect between people sometimes as crazy as it truly is.


That is the disconnect between people. But that’s the whole reason and nowadays it’s even more so now then it was in the 30s 40s and 50s where you had to play an instrument and know how to dance and croon and you know what I mean like you had to be a master of all trades. It’s like nowadays you can’t just have talent anymore like talent isn’t enough. So, it’s like you know it takes a lot.

People nowadays need a reason to follow you to want to you know why the fuck should I give you my time just like you said you three songs some dude on your play list you know what I mean how many other bands are like holy fuck what do I got to do to get on this guy’s playlist. You know what I mean.


Yeah like that’s it and I see locals always looking for that.


It’s like pack mentality but they’re born and bred and designed in that regard where these other cats are like man, I just want to rock.

You know what I mean? It’s a different time.


That’s a lot like Sebastian Bach. We’ve had him out a couple times too and he just doesn’t care about all that stuff as much he does the social media thing. But he just wants to come here party.


Which is cool. You know what I mean. I can respect all walks of life. I respect all. You know I try to respect all opinions as much as I can but I agree with it but I just It bothers me because a lot of these people are talented and when you find them some time almost like a present you’re like Oh fuck you know who found on Instagram. Blah blah blah. And they’re actually entertaining they post all kinds of shit about blah blah blah because of that and I’m telling my buddies this shit and they are like “Are you serious. Oh, I’m going to follow” you know that person too or something.

So, it’s funny to me to see how many people I guess you know go with the times is what I’m saying. Yeah for sure. I guess if you’re too cool for school then you know whatever would Bela Lugosi have an Instagram. I don’t know what you want to call for school. Dean would have had one. He probably would only post it on three times after a 10-year period.


Yeah exactly or it would have been like his wife posting or something like that


Yeah you know. Yeah exactly. You know what I mean you got it!

So, you guys having some new music on the go like you guys have any tour plans?


You know I want to say I want to say that was talks about a few spot shows and then you know we have a lot of annual gigs that we line up like we have 420 thing that we got coming up and I was there were talks about doing a small run with that. But you know when Astro time comes around, I usually shut all that shit down aside from them being like you know you’ll leave tomorrow for a tour. But when we get Astro mode I just kind of lock in there because there’s a lot of shows and stuff that go on with that as well.

So, you know I’m really kind of just immersed in all that. But yeah there are. There will be a little or some stuff coming up this year for sure you know. There it will we’ll have performances. But as far as like any long run tours I would say no. But then again that’s more of a Monoxide question. But you can throw me an itinerary I’m like oh, so we leave Wednesday. Yeah. All right I’ll see you at the tour bus.


You know if you guys are ever looking up at Canada here, I work with a promoter who does all that stuff so we can definitely. Yeah, he books all across the country. He’s done everything right. You name it. He’s there he’s run those tours.


Oh wow. OK. All right. Yeah. Hell yeah. I’m going to tell George about it.


Yeah. I mean you guys have my number now to throw is enough to contact me.

Twiztid - Astronomicon

One final thing would be anything you want to tell fans about Astronomicon.


Oh yeah. Yeah. Let me see.

CJ Graham as Jason

Walter Phelan is Dr. Satan, I butcher that guy’s name sometimes.

The Boogey Man, WWE legend which is kind of cool. With the pro photo ops.

I think it’s cool because you know it’s like they stepped right off of the screen and you get full costumage and all that shit. So, it’s like those are cool for me and the banners and all corresponding shit that make it awesome.

Also, there’s a 2 from hell.

Bill Mosley and Richard Brake photo op which is kind of cool.

That’ll be Fox and Otis.

25th anniversary

Clerk’s photo op with Brian O’Halloran and Jeff Anderson and that’s like his first time ever.

June is the 25th anniversary of the movie, super-duper iconic underground movie and just like just really cool shit that we’re proud to present.

And then of course on Sunday for four short hours we have Alexa bliss.

She’s got a photo op and VIP packages that are moving pretty quick so if anybody wants to get on those.

And you know the great Kevin Eastman Saturday and Sunday only and that’s awesome.

Co-creator of the TMNT franchise and just all around really good dude.

And you know I mean there’s more people too but those are some of the key points. Yeah you know what I mean I’m just like fucking overwhelmed by this information so it’s like you know it’s swirling around. Those are the key points man I don’t forget it, I can’t forget it. Yeah.


You’re not allowed to.


It’s my job. See what I mean. Yeah. I’m not allowed to forget it.

Of course, 7th through the 9th. Wyndham Gardens, Sterling Heights Michigan all the goodness and all the information if you want to know when and where and all the how to’s.

We hope to see you all out there!

Twiztid - Astronomicon

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