Highlight – Ryan Caraveo

Today we Highlight – Ryan Caraveo.

We were invited to chat with Ryan about his newest release Northend Sweetheart. It is thrilling that the new album has dropped! You can tell when the conference started Ryan said hello by name to everyone as they joined the call. Moving up in the ranks Ryan has now racked up over 750 million streams and even has a collab with Steve Aoki.

Who is Ryan?

A Seattle native, Ryan started making music fairly young which is the norm these days. Writing with his brother, Ryan would test out his lyrics on him to hone his skills. Ryan talked about making his music and having to be alone to write cool things. He would even go as far as poking his head into a closet so no one would hear it. Obviously a more seasoned artist now he still feels like imposter syndrome is a real battle so keeping grounded is important. With the pandemic in play this last year or so it was hard on a lot of people. Playing video games with his cousins and brother or even chess if someone was up to it was key and going running. Ryan compares himself to an old man also listening to Pandora Radio.

The Music

Early influences came from artists like Eminem and Kidd Cuddy because of their style. Rapping with his brother when they were young absolutely built up his mindset. He clearly has a sense of hustle and working to get better. Always trying to be original and try different things is what makes Ryan tick and nothing fitting into a specific mold. He now has 5 albums under his belt.

The one he talks about being the proudest of is the newest release of Northend Sweetheart. Attending a Steve Aoki show turned into a pivotal point in his life and changed his direction a little and the way his music was being made and came full circle in doing a song with Steve. Some of the dream collabs include Tycho and Young Jeezy to name a few that if they called he would be in the studio instantly.

To be a successful creator it’s about breaking boundaries. It’s about taking risks in what you wanna say.

The tour for Northend Sweethearts is gearing up to hit stages across the US currently. Asked what he thought the crowd favorites track would be it was between Holly and Stay Warm with Stay Warm being the front runner. Excited to be back on stage for the fans Ryan plans on being thankful and not take things for granted as he would have in the past. One thing that probably won’t change is the love for Jack in the Box Tacos which has been a staple in the past. With 20+ dates on this tour, it’s set to be a pretty amazing time. Hopefully, we will get some Canadian dates to follow this up!

Closing out

This Highlight – Ryan Caraveo is a wrap. I want to start out by saying thanks to Ryan for chatting with us. Clearly, a humble guy Ryan is set to keep climbing the ladder and I for one am a fan.

Check out Northend Sweetheart out today!

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