Hopsin – Hop Solo Tour

The one and only Hopsin had his sights set on Ottawa for this leg of his HopSolo Tour. First things first this show sold out and sold out with authority! The Bourbon Room was packed front to back on both floors….barely a place to move and the crowd was hyped right from the start!

Hopsin – Founder of the Undercover Prodigy record label has a solid lyrical base to his music with catchy beats and most well-known for his stage presence sporting white contacts and all.

Ottawa Locals

Ottawa locals Swift Crew were tasked to start off the night and get the crowd going. The crew consists of MCs Young Astronomer, Cub K, New Age Hippie and Smooth C and they are a family both on and off the stage. They started out the night right engaging the crowd and showing off the lyricism they each have all while rocking out and having a killer time.


Once the time came for Hopsin the crowd started to go insane. The house was packed and I was being bounced off the side of the stage where I was…and for those who don’t know I’m a rather large person so not easy to toss me around.

The Ill mind of Hopsin, Sag My Pants, I Need Help are some of the most memorable tracks but when “Ramona Ft Jarren Benton” came on the whole place erupted. The crowd sang along to every work and got so crazy the floor was shaking.

This is the first time I personally can say I had heard Hopsin and any of his music but I can say I he puts on one hell of a show and has a massively hardcore and loyal fan base and the bruises on my side can prove that. He also had a meet and greet where some of the more diehard fans got to spent a few minutes with him and get pictures and all that fun stuff.

Looking forward to the next time he is in town.

Hop Solo tour poster Young Astronomer
Hopsin – The Hop Solo Tour Poster
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