Kenny vs Spenny

Kenny vs Spenny Tour Poster

Kenny vs Spenny live is such a simple concept. Two friends/roommates, and a competition in which the loser must perform a humiliation chosen by the winning party. The duo pitched this concept and get a TV show which depicted these competitions, but with a twist.

Kenny vs Spenny – TV show

Kenny typically always looks to find an easy way to win which often involved cheating. Spencer, for the most part, would try and promote good morals. He would try to play by the rules that are prearranged. They have so many shows under their belt such as, ‘Who do black guys like more’, ‘Who can lose the most weight’. One of the most notorious episodes was ‘Who can make a better porno’.

Now that I have given you some context, let’s see how these men popped into the public consciousness and discuss the show. The stage is simply set up with a sofa, a table, and a guitar.

Live Show

The Kenny vs Spenny live show consisted of juvenile bickering between the two hosts, some never before seen footage from their show and Q&A with the audience. Many jokes done in very poor taste which the crowd ate up none the less. Kenny, similarly to his character in the show, is constantly berating Spenny with insults much to the crowds delight. The crowd often joined in on the heckling also while Spenny expressed his wishes of going home and not wanting to be there performing for everyone.

His most utilized comeback was asking the heckling fans where there successful show was, or which movies they have been in. Just only lead to more insults directed at himself.

Due to the amount of alcohol Spenny was consuming during the show, the lines may have been a bit blurred. It is hard to decipher whether we saw the character Spenny, or the actual seemingly depressed and worn out Spencer Rice.

I imagine the characters they are portraying on the show, in addition to events, are staged to some point. Some of the pranks/outcomes are strategically formulated in order to create a 30 minute show. This is how the audiences are fully engaged and waiting to see what happens next. These men know their target audience. They will stoop to the lowest of the lows in order to keep them happy and entertained.

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