Mr. Lahey & Randy

For those of enjoy The Trailer Park Boy’s you would have loved this show. The drunkest trailer park supervisor Mr. Lahey and the cheeseburger bandit himself Randy, set out on tour bringing a little piece of the trailer park to each and every one of us and Caveman Sam hosted the night!

On stage
Mr. Lahey and Randy

Ottawa’s The Bourbon Room hosted the evening and had its own line up of comedians to get the crowd laughing. Sean Carson, Logan Groves, Mitch Foré and Danielle Allard opened up the night bringing the laughs. Caveman Sam Mc’d the night and brought his own brand of raunchy fun singing songs and telling stories to the crowd.

Randy on stage

The packed house sang a long and the greasiness came out in good old trailer park fashion. Sam in typical caveman style was trying to pick up old and young man or woman he didn’t discriminate

It was time for Randy and Lahey to jump on stage and they brought with them so new merch to try and sell. There were things like the portable person pot hot box system you can put over your head and smoke a joint. There was stuff special for the ladies and also unisex items and all sorts of fun things. People came on stage to try things out and just generally get greasy. They told us stories from the park as well as talked about the government and several other pop culture topics.

Mr. Lahey & Randy bring props

Randy and Lahey with girl on stage

There were some people there who looked like they just came out the trailer park to meet the boys. It was one hell of a night.

After the show the boys wet to the VIP area and opened up the night for a meet and greet. Practically the whole crowd stayed to meet and get their pictures. Many fans came and shared stories about their favorite trailer park moments and got to meet some of their long-time idols.

Randy Lahey and Sam

Mr. Lahey & Randy
Mr. Lahey & Randy – Trailer Park Boys – Tour
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